Exam stress

Feeling stressed? Is the pressure of college or school exams getting you down? Miller’s pharmacy is here to help! Here are some helpful tips to keep you stress free and focused for your exams and studies:

Have a revision timetable; start planning with realistic goals and leave time for rest!

Everyone revises differently; don’t panic if your friends have a different style of revision to you. Focus on your own studies and do whatever suits you.

Get plenty of sleep! Allow for some down time before you go to bed.

Eat healthily: try eating foods high in omega 3 such as fish or call into Miller’s pharmacy who can recommend a suitable supplement.

Avoid caffeine and sugary snacks; they will give you a high of energy followed quickly by a low, making you feel even more tired.

Avoid cramming, get organised and give yourself time to relax.

If you feel you are getting overly anxious and it is getting on top of you, ask for help! A problem shared is a problem halved.

Regular exercise is also a great stress reliever.

Call into Miller’s pharmacy where we can offer advice on some great supplements and multivitamins to help during your tough exam period.